About Tauplitz - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Tauplitz recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Tauplitz, Styria
General information
Tauplitz, lying between 900 and 2000 m above sea level, has 1072 inhabitants and is situated on a plateau, surrounded by the peaks of the 'Totes Gebirge' mountain range. Take in the beauty of the landscape in the area, and feel the effect of the fresh air. Relax and wind down. You can become at one with nature here, both in summer, when you can enjoy the blossoming meadows, and in winter, when the deeply snow-covered countryside is particularly enchanting.
Tauplitz lies amidst the 'Totes Gebirge' mountains, and to the south a skiing and walking paradise is to be found, bordered by the 'Kalkstock Grimming' mountain (2351 m). Worth seeing above all else is the 6-lake high alpine plateau, the 'Tauplitzalm' pasture, or the 'Tauplitz' waterfall.
How to get there
By car:
From Vienna: through Semmering, Bruck an der Mur, St. Michael and Liezen to Tauplitz.
From Munich: through Salzburg, Bad Ischl, and Bad Aussee to Tauplitz.
From Carinthia: via Villach, Spittal, Felbertauerntunnel, Radstadt and Schladming to Tauplitz.
By train:
IC (intercity) station at Stainach-Irdning - from here it is 6 km, with a regional train or a bus, to Tauplitz. Alternatively, travel to the IC station at Bad Aussee - from here it is 20 km, by regional train or by bus, to Tauplitz.
By plane:
Graz airport (international connecting flights)
Salzburg airport (international connecting flights)
Summer resort
The area of Tauplitz and the Tauplitz Tourism Society have been in business since the summer of 1999, managing a mountain-biking downhill run on the Tauplitz ski piste. The slope is accessible on the 4-seater chair-lifts I and II, and mountainbikes are attached to the lifts using a special gadget. For bikers, there are convenient day-cards.
Walking here is particularly popular, where nature is still nature, in a pleasant, fog-free mountain air, with Grimming (2351 m) in the south, the 'Totes Gebirge' range (the highest karst in mid-Europe) in the north, the Dachstein massif in the west, and the 'Gesäuse' mountains in the east.
The mountain village of Tauplitz is one of last natural refuges, and values its traditions extremely highly. But the area is certainly not lacking in modern sports facilities, from bowling and horse-riding to hang-gliding for the more adventurous!
Winter resort
The ski region Tauplitzalm lies between 900 and 1965 m above sea level. Snow is guaranteed, as are well-managed pistes to suit all levels of ability. There are fantastic ski-touring routes, and in total there are 25 km of pistes; 3 chair-lifts, and 17 T-bar lifts.
The hiking and skiing area of Tauplitz is home to the training camp of the World Cup cross-country skiing team, and those who enjoy this sport are certainly well-catered for: there are 120 km of regional cross-country skiing tracks here, and 15 km of tracks in high regions. Snowshoe hiking, horse-drawn sleigh rides, winter horse-riding, darts, ice climbing, bob-sleigh rides or a night descent with torches will make your holiday in Tauplitz truly unforgettable.
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Tauplitz | General information
Tauplitz, lying between 900 and 2000 m above sea level, has 1072 inhabitants and is situated on a plateau, surrounded by the peaks of the 'Totes Gebirge' mountain range. Take in the beauty of the landscape in the area, and feel the effect of the fresh air
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