About Petronell Carnuntum - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Petronell-Carnuntum is a community in Bruck an der Leitha in Austria.
Petronell-Carnuntum is located in the industrial area of Lower Austria. About 26% of the municipality is divided. It can be bad right in the Danube, southwest of Hainburg and in der Donau.
Carnuntum appeared as a camp of the Roman army. The name is first presented in history during the reign of Augustus (6 AD), when Tiberius made a base of operations in the campaigns for Queen Maroboduus to the marchers.
The "Carnuntum Archaeological Park" is divided into three parts: the city of Civi, the Military Museum, the Carnuntinum Museum.
Remnants of the civil city return to the area of Petronell-Carnuntum village. There are several places that can be seen in the civil city: the neighborhood of the Roman city in the open air museum, the ruins of the palace, the amphitheater and "Heidentor".
Petronell Carnuntum | Petronell-Carnuntum is a community in Bruck an der Leitha in Austria.
Petronell-Carnuntum is located in the industrial area of Lower Austria. About 26% of the municipality is divided. It can be bad right in the Danube, southwest of Hainburg and in der Donau
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