Despre Bad Blumau - prezentare, informatii, poze si recomandari
General information
Blumau (1490 inhabitants) is situated in the lovely landscape of the hill country in eastern Styria. Blumau is renowned as a health resort and spa town for its mild climate. It offers a wide range of recreational and sports facilities. Furthermore you will find restaurants offering plain fare, cafés and cosy "Buschenschenken" (typical Styrian wine bars).
How to get there
By car:
Coming from Germany on the motorway A9 Salzburg/Graz or from Vienna on the motorway A2 Südautobahn, exit Sebersdorf or exit Ilz towards Fürstenfeld.
By train:
Information can be obtained night and day by the Austrian Federal Railway under the service number +43 (0)5 1717.
By airplane:
The nearest airports are in Vienna (approx. 140 km) or Graz (approx. 60 km).
Summer resort
There are plenty of activities for a pleasant holiday including ballooning, archery, fishing, biking, horse riding, swimming, tennis and hiking. The unique spa created by Hundertwasser with its exceptional thermal bath and sauna landscape enjoys great popularity. Or visit the local sights for example the renovated baroque parish church of St. Sebastian. Concerts, exhibitions, village festivals, rural and religious traditions and the beauties of nature like Europe's oldest oak tree will make your holiday in Blumau a great experience.
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