About Treffen Am Ossiacher See - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Treffen is a market town in the Villach-Land district of Carinthia, in south-central Austria. The municipality is approximately 8 km north of Villach.
The Carinthia region of the care is part of the city Treffen is formed up to a basin in connection with the Alps, the Carnian Mountains bordering Italy and Slovenia. The Tauern Mountains are divided in two starting with Salzburg. To the east you can land Steiermark forming a continuous valley, the eastern part of Tyrol, west to west. Lakes for sale are a great tourist attraction. The main river is Drava.
Treffen Am Ossiacher See | Treffen is a market town in the Villach-Land district of Carinthia, in south-central Austria. The municipality is approximately 8 km north of Villach.
The Carinthia region of the care is part of the city Treffen is formed up to a basin in connection with the Alps, the Carnian Mountains bordering Italy and Slovenia
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