About St. Lorenzen Ob Murau - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
St. Lorenzen Ob Murau recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about St. Lorenzen Ob Murau, Styria
General information
820 m above sea level
1000 inhabitants
Location: by a skiing area
How to get there
By car:
From Germany / the Netherlands: Munich - Salzburg - Tauern motorway - exit Mautstelle St. Michael/Lungau - Tamsweg - from Tamsweg, 48 km to St. Geogen - St. Lorenzen ob Murau
From eastern Austria: St. Michael bei Leoben motorway junction - direction Klagenfurt - Knittelfeld - Judenburg - Scheifling - turn right after Murau - 6 km after Murau lies St. Georgen - St. Lorenzen ob Murau
By train:
From Germany / the Netherlands: Munich - Salzburg - Radstadt, then EITHER bus to Tamsweg and further to St. Lorenzen ob Murau, OR from Radstadt by taxi to St. Lorenzen ob Murau.
From eastern Austria: take an ÖBB train to the Unzmarkt station, then take a 'Murtalbahn' local train or a bus to St. Lorenzen ob Murau.
By plane:
Klagenfurt or Salzburg airport
Summer resort
Summer holidays in the flower-covered St. Lorenzen with fantastic children's programme, walks, indoor pool in the hotel, outdoor pool, tennis courts, mountain biking, cycling paths, rafting, horse-drawn carriage rides, fishing, or just simply lazing around. Lots to do, lovely food, frindly people.
Winter resort
Skiing fun for the whole family in the holiday villages of Scheifling - St. Lorenzen. The Kreischberg mountain (850 - 2,130 m) is serviced by a 6-seater gondola, two 2-seater chair-lifts, five drag-lifts and two baby lifts, and the 'Frauenlape' (1,500 - 2,000 m) has 5 drag-lifts. There is also a boardland with halfpipe, family slope, FIS-run; and for children, the dino-park, ghost-train, flintstones and fairy-tale land make skiing easy and fun. When off the piste, why not try night tobogganing, horse-drawn carriage rides, curling, or relax in the guesthouses and hotels? A skiing resort for the whole family.
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St. Lorenzen Ob Murau | General information
820 m above sea level 1000 inhabitants Location: by a skiing area
Information source
Information source
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