About St Gilgen - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
General information
St. Gilgen, at an altitude of 542 m and with 3706 inhabitants, is situated in the mountains by a lake.
Discover yourself - sport, nature, culture - the variety by Lake St. Wolfgang will make the hearts of all holidaymakers beat a little bit faster.
How to get there
By car:
Vienna - Linz - exit Mondsee - St. Gilgen
Munich - exit Salzburg - Fuschl am See - St. Gilgen
By train:
Take a train to Salzburg, then a bus or taxi to St. Gilgen
By plane:
Salzburg airport (international connecting flights)
Summer resort
St. Gilgen, set on the north-western corner of Lake St. Wolfgang, is one of the most beautiful villages in this region. A gondola takes you to the top of the 'Zwölferhorn' mountain where you can enjoy a panorama with no less than five lakes. Walkers can choose from many scenic trails (80 km of marked paths) in and around St. Gilgen. There are plenty of water sports, with instruction in sailing, windsurfing and water-skiing. Other sporting enthusiasts will find a swimming pool, several tennis courts, fishing and minigolf at their disposal. The resort has bars and cafés, weekly concerts in the high season and connections by boat to other resorts on the lake.
Winter resort
Zwölferhorn (550 m - 1.522 m) is the skiing area of St. Gilgen and boasts 15 km of well-prepared runs. Non-skiers will also find plenty to do here: 20 km of cross-country skiing trails, ice-skating, or simply hiking through the wintry countryside.
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St Gilgen | General information
St. Gilgen, at an altitude of 542 m and with 3706 inhabitants, is situated in the mountains by a lake. Discover yourself - sport, nature, culture - the variety by Lake St
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