About St. Georgen Am Langsee - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
How to get there
By car: from munich you take the Tauernautobahn, from Vienna the Südautobahn. By train: the nearest railway station is St. Veit an der Glan, from there you take a taxi or bus. By airplane: in a distance of 18 km you will find the airport of Klagenfurt.
In the middle of the lovely mountains of middle Kärnten surrounded by wide meadows and forrests is the cosy village of St. Georgen am Längsee situated 562 m above the sea level and has 3635 inhabitants. One of the most famous places is the castle of Hochosterwitz.
St. Georgen in summer
Enjoy wonderful holidays at the Längsee by hiking-tours, biking, riding, fishing, swimming, mountainbiking, mini-golf or taste the several restaurants.
St. Georgen in winter
Winter in Kärnten is holidays by friends! Skating on the frozen Längsee, ice-sports, cross-country or enjoy one of the different wellnessbathes in the surrounding.
St. Georgen Am Langsee | How to get there
By car: from munich you take the Tauernautobahn, from Vienna the Südautobahn. By train: the nearest railway station is St. Veit an der Glan, from there you take a taxi or bus
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