About Semriach - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
General information
Semriach with its 3.200 inhabitants lies 430 - 1.445 m above sea level. The distance to Graz, the capital of Styria is about 25 km. In Semriach you can fin the Lurgrotte, a well known limestone cave with stalactites and stalagmites.
How to get there
Semriach can be comfortably reached by car and is well connected to public transport.
by Car: Pyhrn-motorway (A9) - exit Deutschfeistritz-Peggau (165) - ca. 10 km to Semriach.
by Train: The next railway station is in Stübing.
by Aeroplane:
The nearest airport is in Graz.
Distances:Graz 25 km.
Summer resort
The hilly landscape of Semriach is ideal for hiking and nordic walking tours. There are a lot of marked courses.
Winter resort
The snowy winter landscape invites for walks and snow shoe tours. The capital Graz is worth a visit, in summer as well as in winter. We take no responsibility for any errors, misprints or omissions; subject to alterations.
Semriach | General information
Semriach with its 3.200 inhabitants lies 430 - 1.445 m above sea level. The distance to Graz, the capital of Styria is about 25 km. In Semriach you can fin the Lurgrotte, a well known limestone cave with stalactites and stalagmites
Information source
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