About Seelach - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Seelach - family holiday in Austria's southern most ski area!
Înconjurat de natură se află Seelach, aparţinând St. Kanzian pe malul lacului Klopeiner. Datorită reputaţiei sale de a fi cel mai cald lac de înot în lunile de vară, lacul Klopeiner se bucură de mare popularitate. În lunile de iarnă este însă atât de îngheţat încât este ideal pentru patinaj sau pur şi simplu doar pentru a se bucura de panorama minunată. Localitatea idilică oferă relaxare pură, departe de toate agitaţia. Numeroase trasee montane vă invită să descoperiţi împrejurimile minunate în timp ce exploraţi muntele Petzenberg cu 2126 m altitudine.
The lift pass "Petzen" grants you access to 23 km of well-groomed pistes and a total of 6 lift systems. The Petzen, Austria's southern most ski area, is rated as a smaller ski area, however exactly this is what makes it so attractive to families. Many easy and intermediate pistes are perfectly suited to beginners. But more experienced skiers will also have fun on the black piste. A special highlight is the 12 km long valley run, which offers you the possibility to switch between all three difficulties.
After a busy day's skiing you should take the time to view some of the wonderful places around the Lake Klopein. Starting with the natural wonders "Trögener Klamm" or the Obir stalactite caves right up to the hanging bridge of Santa Lucia. The Trögener Klamm is very particularly impressive to hikers. The clear water crashes wildly through the gorge. The evenings can be spent in one of the restaurants with a view of the lake, or otherwise cosily in cafes and bars. Good atmosphere and good cuisine is always available - no matter if enjoying rich food or a "Schnapserl". Those who'd like to go dancing can do so in the disco Rondo in St. Kanzei.
The region around Lake Klopein offer cross-country skiers an extended network of trails of more than 120 km, winding though a wonderful landscape. Cross-country near the Petzen is pure enjoyment, thanks to the impressive mountain backdrop. You should definitely not miss the chance to try the new high-altitude track at 1,700 m at the mountain station. The wonderful view there really is unforgettable. The cross-country centre Pirkdorfer See in the district Feistritz, is certainly worth a visit and is open daily. On some days you also have the opportunity to take part in night-skiing and cover a distance of 10 km.
Skiing region |
Highest point ski area | 1.900 m |
Lowest point ski area | 600m |
Village height | 440m |
Number of lifts | 6 |
Number of drag lifts | 5 |
Number of chair lifts | - |
Number of cable cars | 1 |
Total pistes | 23 km |
Green/blue pistes | 6 km |
Red pistes | 8 km |
Black pistes | 23 km |
Seelach | Amidst a wonderful landscape lies the district of Seelach, which belongs to St. Kanzei, directly on the edge of Lake Klopein. As the lake is known as one of the warmest in the summer months to swim in, it enjoys much popularity in the region
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