About Seeboden Am Millstattersee - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Seeboden Am Millstatter See recieved a rating of 4.2 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Seeboden Am Millstattersee, Carinthia
General information
Seeboden am Millstätter See (580 m above sea level; 5511 inhabitants), the market town on the western side of the Millstätter lake (13 km²), offers an excellent holiday environment for the whole family. The coastal cafés, restaurants and bars attract people not only on mild summer nights. Seeboden - a part of the 'northernmost bathing beach in Italy.'
How to get there
By car:
From the direction of Munich: A10 through Salzburg to the Millstätter See junction (distance from Munich - Seeboden, approx. 280km / duration of journey, approx. 3hrs)
Motorway from Udine - Tarvis - Villach - Millstätter See
By train:
Train to Spittal/Drau station, then take a bus ot taxi to Seeboden (5km away)
By plane:
Klagenfurt airport (85 km) - international connecting flights
Salzburg airport (175 km) - international connecting flights
Summer resort
The Millstätter lake (13km²) boasts more than 3 bathing pools and offers the opportunity to row, sail, water-ski, dive and swim. The alternative to the lake - the heated outdoor pool in Seeboden. Further activities include: inline-skating, mountain biking, beach volleyball, paragliding, hunting, minigolf, riding, cycling, and much more. Possible excursion destinations could be Salzburg (approx. 155km / journey time approx. 1hr 30 mins) or Klagenfurt (approx. 80 km / journey time approx. 55mins).
Winter resort
4 skiing areas are in the vicinity: Goldeck (22 km of piste, 2 cable cars, 2 chair-lifts and 6 drag-lifts), Katschberg (60 km of piste, 3 chair-lifts and 16 drag-lifts), Innerkrems, and Bad Kleinkirchheim (70 km of piste, 3 cable cars, 6 chair-lifts and 15 drag-lifts) - all 4 skiing areas are within 20 km of Seeboden. And if you fancy something other than skiing, you could head up to the Goldeck mountain to Carinthia's only paragliding school, where you can observe the fantastic sights from high above. There are also many other activities available - 25 km of cross-country trails, tobogganing, curling, ice skating, horse-drawn sleigh rides, winter walks on foot or horseback, and much more.
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Seeboden Am Millstattersee | General information
Seeboden am Millstätter See (580 m above sea level; 5511 inhabitants), the market town on the western side of the Millstätter lake (13 km²), offers an excellent holiday environment for the whole family
Information source 
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