About Radstadt - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
General information
At an altitude of 856 m and with 4900 inhabitants, Radstadt is located in the heart of the 'Sportwelt Amadé' region.
A particular attraction here is the 'Knödel' (dumpling) festival, held on the 'Schernberg' street in the centre of Radstadt, already for the 19th time. During the festival, the hosts of the street lay out a 200 m long table on which they offer different varieties of 'knödel' with the following flavours: Speck (bacon), Selchfleisch (smoked meat), Leber (liver), Zwetschke (plum), Marille (apricot), Germ (yeast), and even ice cream and marzipan knödel! Alongside these delicacies, there are 3 stages with a colourful musical program with drinking, folk music and jazz - and entrance is free! Things heat up in the early evening when the 'Knödelfest goes pop' - with a guest appearance from top bands.
How to get there
By car:
Tauern motorway (A10)- Villach - exit Ennstal - Radstadt
By train:
Take a train directly to Radstadt
By plane:
Salzburg airport (international connecting flights)
Summer resort
Walkers and hikers will have no trouble in finding a different path to follow every day on their stay here in Radstadt. Furthermore, there are many other activities offered, including cycling, swimming and numerous playgrounds for children.
Winter resort
The skiing area of Radstadt-Altenmarkt (650 - 2000 m) offers 20 km of well-prepared runs and is just a small part of the winter sport area 'Salzburger Sportwelt Amadé', which is known in the Alps as one of the areas with the best snow records. There you can choose between 110 modern ski lifts (mostly chair lifts and cable-cars) and 320 km of prepared slopes for all levels of ability.
Furthermore, there are many other activities available in Radstadt, including tobogganing, horse-sleigh runs, curling or just walking through the winter countryside.
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Radstadt | General information
At an altitude of 856 m and with 4900 inhabitants, Radstadt is located in the heart of the 'Sportwelt Amadé' region. A particular attraction here is the 'Knödel' (dumpling) festival, held on the 'Schernberg' street in the centre of Radstadt, already for the
19th time
Information source 
Information source
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