About Obertauern - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
General information
The Obertauern/Untertauern region lies 1750 m above sea level and has 503 inhabitants.
In the region's countryside, you can see unique rock formations, wonderful forests and the only known breeding place of the blue robin.
How to get there
By car:
Via Salzburg - motorway A10 - exit Ennstal - follow federal route B99 to Obertauern (about 100 km)
By train:
Radstadt train station: continue by bus to Obertauern (about 20 km)
By airplane:
Salzburg airport: 100 km (international connecting flights)
Summer resort
Walking, climbing, tennis facilities ...
Winter resort
Downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, winter walking ...
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Obertauern | General information
The Obertauern/Untertauern region lies 1750 m above sea level and has 503 inhabitants. In the region's countryside, you can see unique rock formations, wonderful forests and the only known breeding place of the blue robin
Information source 
Information source
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