About Oberaichwald - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
General information
Oberaichwald is located close to the Faaker See, in a pictorial environment. Calm country life is connected there with high comfort.
How to get there
From direction Salzburg coming: Tauernautobahn A10/E55 to knot Villach - go on the A2/E55 in direction Udine (Italy) up to the departure Villach Faaker See. From direction Vienna coming: Southern highway (a2) - exit Villach/Faaker lake
by Train:
Villach - Rosenbach - bus connections into all directions
by Aeroplane:
The nearest airports are in Klagenfurt and Salzburg.
Klagenfurt approx. 46 km and Salzburg approx. 195 km.
Summer resort
In the summer Oberaichwald and it's surrounding area offers the correct kind of sport for everyone: Playing golf, playing tennis, paragliding, rafting, sailing, surfing, nordic walking, hiking or just relaxing in the marvellous landscape.
Winter resort
Fantastic ski slopes and cross-country ski-tracks are in the direct proximity of Oberaichwald.
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Oberaichwald | General information
Oberaichwald is located close to the Faaker See, in a pictorial environment. Calm country life is connected there with high comfort.
Information source 
Information source
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