About Mellau - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
General information
Situated in the heart of the Bregenzerwald at 700 m altitude just at the foot of the Kanisfluh mountain you will find Mellau as a place for young and old, winter- and summerholiday.
With only 1282 inhabitants Mellau is a small village with friendly people and a nice and cosy atmosphere. Apart from some nice walking and skiing areas the Bregenzer Wald offers delicious traditional delights and events for the whole family. A perfect place to relax and enjoy nature.
How to get there
By car:
Coming from Germany:
Driving via Lindau and through the Pfändertunnel, exit Dornbirn Nord and Bregenzerwald (B 200) to Mellau - about 40 km.
Via Kempten follow Immenstadt - Oberstaufen - Ach - Lingenau - Egg to Mellau - about 50 km.
Via Füssen go to Reutte/Tirol - Lechtal - Warth - Schröcken - Au to Mellau - about 75 km.
By train:
Regular train connections from Holland, Kiel, Hamburg, Dortmund, Köln, Frankfurt to Dornbirn. Good bus connections will bring you to Mellau. Also available, if desired, Pick up by a taxi from Dornbirn to Mellau.
By airplane:
Zuerich airport: 150 km
Munich airport: 260 km
Innsbruck airport: 170 km (international connecting flights)
Summer resort
There are about 86 km of hiking trails for all levels through the mountains of 'Bregenzer Wald'. A cable-car takes you halfway up. Mountain guides are available. Apart from hiking an extensive variety of activities and leisure facilities including tennis (indoor and outdoor), paragliding, Outdoor swimming pool and more is offered.
Winter resort
Mellau is part of the skiing area 'Bregenzer Wald'. The village itself has got one cable-car, which will bring you to 1400 m altitude and four T-bar-lifts and one 6-seater-chairlift bring you up to the top (1750 m). There are 20 km of pisted runs, 22 km crosscountry-trails and some nice winter-walkingtrails. Tobogganing is also offered. For even more ski fun you can get the '3-Täler-Superpass'. It combines three skiing areas: Bregenzer Wald, Grosses Walsertal and the Lechtal. All together it has 115 different ski-lifts and about 286 km marked and well prepared runs.
Fans of snowboarding find 3 halfpipes and a funpark in the area around Mellau. Please note: We take no responsibilities for errors or omissions.
Mellau | General information
Situated in the heart of the Bregenzerwald at 700 m altitude just at the foot of the Kanisfluh mountain you will find Mellau as a place for young and old, winter- and summerholiday
Information source
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