About Lendorf - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Lendorf recieved a rating of 4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Lendorf, Carinthia
Located in the valley of Dravei west of Spittal an der Drau, Lendorf is the site of an old city with about 30,000 inhabitants called Teurnia, which appeared in the 5th century became the capital of the Roman province Noricum Mediterranean. The remains of the city include a basilica, a chapter, a thermal bath and a temple dedicated to the Celtic god Grannus can be seen on a hill near the village of Sankt Peter in Holz. Until its fall during the Slavic settlement, Teurnia was a center of early Christianity, being the establishment of a bishop as Eugippius mentioned in his biography of St. Severinus, "the Apostle of Noricum." Tiburnia is still a title of the Roman Catholic Church. Lendorf can be reached via the A10 Tauern Autobahn motorway at the Spittal / Millstättersee intersection and the federal B100 Drautal Straße motorway from Spittal to Lienz. It also has access to Drautalbahn from Villach to Innichen, in Lendorf station.
Lendorf | Lendorf este o municipalitate din districtul Spittal an der Drau din statul austriac Carintia. Este format din Katastralgemeinden Lendorf și Hühnersberg, avand o suprafata de 34,31 km2.
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