About Krumpendorf - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Krumpendorf recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Krumpendorf, Carinthia
Drasing Castle, located on a northern hill and was first mentioned in 1284. Once a rural area, its picturesque location makes Krumpendorf a popular destination and due to the tourist resorts that are ideal for hikers and nature enthusiasts.
In addition to the baroque Krumpendorf castle completed in 1740, the general appearance of the town consists of several hotels and luxurious mansions built in the "Wörthersee style".
The so-called Wörthersee architecture shaped the aspect of the cultural landscape around the lake. Castles, villas, men and boys in the creation of the lake were built during the so-called "Wörthersee style". Examples can be found in Pörtschach, Velden, Krumpendorf, Klagenfurt and on the southern shore in the lake.
Krumpendorf | Krumpendorf stretches along the northern shore of Wörthersee, the largest lake in Carinthia, and in the east it borders the state capital Klagenfurt. Krumpendorf can be reached by two routes with the Süd Autobahn (A2) from Vienna to Villach and the border
with Italy
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