About Klopeiner See - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Lake Klopein is mostly a still lake. Only a few little streams are flowing into it. The result is a very high water temperature, reaching up to 29 °C . The outgoing stream is on the west side and flows inside the river Drava. Lake Klopein is 1800 Meters long, 800 Meters wide and has the deepest depth of 48 Meters. Average depth is at 23 Meters.
Lake Klopein is a popular tourist destination., therefore Hotels and Swimming places span around the whole lake area. Most of the swimming areas are private and available only to hotel guests. There are also some public swimming areas, which are equipped with small restaurants.
In the beginning of year 1885 first guests arrived at Lake Klopein, where they offered 40 beds. It was known as a recovery area for lung related illnesses. Until 1970s the area became more popular as a tourist destination, which has been divided in three areas - Sommerfrischen Klopein (Nordufer), Seelach (Nordwestecke) and Unterburg (Südostecke). Today these three areas are binding together, where the centre of the tourism is in the area of Seelach.
Klopeiner See | Lake Klopein is a lake near the town of Völkermarkt located within the municipality of Sankt Kanzian in Carinthia, Austria. Lake Klopein is the remaining lake of previously larger lake area, which has spanned over todays Kühnsdorf area
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