About Katschberg - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
City Katschberg with Roman history is on a mountain plateau at an altitude of 1,641 m, just above the Katschberg tunnel. Accommodation is in most cases 4-star hotels, and rent apartments.
Ski slopes totaling 66 km with the longest spanning 8 Km from the top of Mount Aineck to the village of St. Margarethen. Slopes are available for all experience levels, from beginners to professionals. There are 16 tracks of lifts that can reach up to 2,400 people per hour. The ski season lasts from mid-December until after Easter a week I guaranteed snow due to snow machines do.
Katschberg | Katschberg ski resort is situated on the border provinces and Sazburg Karnten between two mountains: Katschberg with an elevation of 2,020 m and an altitude of 2,220 Aineck m. Katschberg is a well developed tourist center and very popular due to the 66
km of slopes excellent and very well maintained
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