About Kappl - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Kappl recieved a rating of 4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (4 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Kappl, Tyrol
It is ideal for those seeking relaxation and tranquility, offering guests a combination of an unforgettable holiday: sun, snow, scenery, cafes, restaurants, hotels and guesthouses, a large variety of activities and plenty of modern amenities.
Kappl ski resort of Ischgl is a good alternative, with crowded slopes, lack of accommodation and high prices. Kappl resort has direct access to 40km of slopes and 9 cableways.
Kappl resort slopes are good for beginners and skiers of intermediate level. The slopes here are linked by lift to the slopes of Sammaun, Switzerland.
The ski runs totaling about 40 kilometers, is modern furnished and reach an altitude of 2700 meters.
Funicular from Bergbahnen Kappl quickly and comfortably transporting up to the ski slopes.
The more common winter activities are skiing, hiking, sleigh and toboggan sled races.
Access is by plane to the airport of Innsbruck, where you can rent a car or you can use the means of transportation to the train station in Innsbruck, where you can take the train to Landeck-Zams and then bus (number 4240) to Kappl.
The car can be reached from Germany, Italy and Austria to reach the S16 (Arlbergschnellstrasse) in Pians exit and go another 15 km on the B188 (Silvretta Bundesstrassee) in Kappl direction.
Kappl | Kappl ski resort is one of the most beautiful ski resorts in the Silvretta region. Kappl resort is situated on the sunny side of Paznaun valley 1258 meters.
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