About Hermagor - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Hermagor resort is surrounded by mountains and hills. See Pressegger is the jewel in Hermagor, as one of the warmest lakes (up to 28 degrees in summer) drinking water quality. The water is so clean because the lake no motorized boats allowed.
In Hermagor not only can practice water sports, but also mountain activities - hundreds of miles of marked trails, with varying degrees of difficulty in the higher valleys and areas.
Every year locals organized party ham. The program includes music and bacon galore. During winter, you can ski on more than 100km of slopes and trails with different difficulty levels.
Hermagor | District of Hermagor is an administrative region of Kärnten, Austria. Hermagor comprises seven communities among which is one city (Hermagor-Pressegger See), two fairs: Kirchbach (Kärnten) and Kötschach-Mauthen and villages: Dellach (Gailtal) Gitschtal,
Lesachtal and St
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