About Gross Enzersdorf - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Gross Enzersdorf recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Gross Enzersdorf, Lower Austria
While the municipality was probably home in the pre-Roman era, the first written mention of the settlement Encinesdorf name pentru1160 arrival. In its current location, a property was founded in about 870.
The land includes the Estate (Sahsonaganc island, coinciding approximately with the municipality today) was donated Weihenstephan Abbey by Henry II in 1021, only to be transferred to the Diocese of Freising in 1028.
While the general area was also under the influence of the Diocese of Passau, a 1202 document formally associated in Groß-Enzersdorf church for the Diocese of Freising. Since 1298, all belonged to the Diocese of Freising Sahsonaganc and administrative center was located in what was then called Entzeinestorf.
Gross Enzersdorf | Gross Enzersdorf is a town and municipality in the district of Gänserndorf in the Austrian state of Lower Austria, directly east of Vienna north of the Danube. Apart from the city itself, it also includes 7 municipalities subordinate
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