About Gries Bei Langenfeld - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Gries in summer
You will find everything in the middle of the alpine-world, clean air and sun - enjoy relaxing. Gries offers its guests several hiking- and walking tours as well as alpine tours to the glacier of the Ötztaler- and Stubaier Alps. Different alps invite you to eat or relax.
Gries in winter
White mountains and snown lawns and forests make Gries a wonderful place for holidays and invites to walks and relaxing. If you appreciate winter holidays without noise, traffic and hectic - Gries will be the right place for you. Subject to alterations.
How to get there
By car: you take the motorway A 12 til to the exit Ötztal, and from there via Sautens, Ötz and Umhausen to Längenfeld. From there its 5 km to Gries. By train: to the railway station Ötztal and from there by bus to Längenfeld. Then you take a mini bus (only season) to Gries. By airplane: the nearest airports are in Innsbruck, Salzburg and Munich.
The little village in the middle of the mountains of the Ötztal is situated 1600 m above sea level and has 200 inhabitants. In Gries there is no transit traffic - the right place for holidays.
Gries Bei Langenfeld | Gries in summer
You will find everything in the middle of the alpine-world, clean air and sun - enjoy relaxing. Gries offers its guests several hiking- and walking tours as well as alpine tours to the glacier of the Ötztaler- and Stubaier Alps
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