About Geinberg - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
General information
The spa resort is situated between the rivers Danube and Inn and the Hauruck-forest on 403 m. Approx. 1270 people live here.
How to get there
By car:
A8 motorway; exit Ort im Innkreis; Bundesstrasse federal road to Altheim; Geinberg
By train:
Attnang-Puchheim - Ried - Geinberg.
By airoplane:
Linz Airport or Salzburg Airport
Summer resort
The thermal centre, that can of course also be used in summer offers 900 sun-chairs, a large outdoor thermal pool, sport pool (26 °C), artificial water fall, beach-volleyball and umbrella bar. Furthermore Geinberg offers a summer entertainment programme, beautiful cycling- and horse riding trails and much more.
Winter resort
When time becomes colder and snow covers the gentle hills of the area 'Innviertel' its just the right time to come to Geinberg.
Since the opening of the thermal center in 1998 many people from near and far have beein coming to relax here.
Feel the healing power of water!
Regain your strength and vitality!
Take some time for yourself!
Geinberg | General information
The spa resort is situated between the rivers Danube and Inn and the Hauruck-forest on 403 m. Approx. 1270 people live here.
Information source 
Information source
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