About Fuschl Am See - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Fuschl Am See recieved a rating of 3.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Fuschl Am See, Salzburger Land
General information
Fuschl am See, with 1323 inhabitants, is a pretty village in the 'Salzburger Land' region, and lies 670 m above sea level, directly on the coast of the Fuschl lake. The Fuschl lake is certainly one of the nicest lakes in the 'Salzkammergut' area and due to its location close to Salzburg, Fuschl is an ideal starting point for excursions to 'Mozart's city'.
How to get there
By car:
From Vienna: motorway in the direction of Linz - exit Mondsee - towards St. Gilgen/Fuschl am See
From Munich: motorway in the direction of Salzburg/Vienna - exit Thalgau - Fuschl am See
By train:
From Vienna: to Salzburg main station, continue by bus to Fuschl am See (via Hof)
From Germany: via Munich to Salzburg, continue by bus to Fuschl am See (via Hof)
By plane:
Salzburg airport (international connecting flights), Munich International Airport (approx. 2 1/2 hours by car)
Summer resort
There are no limits to experiencing nature and recreation around lake Fuschl. Whether you are a hiker, love mountain tours or placid walks - all holidaymakers will find their favourite spot. And the crystal clear water gets you into the right holiday mood ... mountainbiking, sailing or golfing just around the corner - Fuschl has so much to offer. Tranquility, old traditions, customs and cosiness - you'll find it all in Fuschl. The village has a charming centre and nice restaurants, bars and cafes where you can enjoy your leisure hours.
Winter resort
Fuschl also has a lot to offer in winter - imagine the frozen lake, only a pair of ice-skates or cross-country skies between you and nature. Enjoy the lovely, tranquil landscape, cosy restaurants and cafés and a friendly family atmosphere. Well-known skiing areas are nearby (within 1/2 hour by car), offering perfect winter sports facilities for the whole family.
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Fuschl Am See | General information
Fuschl am See, with 1323 inhabitants, is a pretty village in the 'Salzburger Land' region, and lies 670 m above sea level, directly on the coast of the Fuschl lake. The Fuschl lake is certainly one of the nicest lakes in the 'Salzkammergut' area and due to
its location close to Salzburg, Fuschl is an ideal starting point for excursions to 'Mozart's city'
Information source 
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