About Fliess Im Oberinntal - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Fliess Im Oberinntal recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Fliess Im Oberinntal, Tyrol
General information
Fließ im Oberinntal has 3035 inhabitants and is situated by a lake at an altitude of 1073 m. It lies on a sunny plateau on the Austrian-Swiss-Italian border, in the middle of the alps. Sunny slopes, clear blue skies, magnificent kaleidoscopes of colours in clear brooks, fresh air - that's Fliess in summer.
How to get there
By car:
* Reschenpaß - Scharnitzpaß - Füssen - Arlberg - Bielerhöhe - Landeck, then follow the B 180 towards Reschenpaß for approx. 6 km, then turn left to Fliess. You can also take the B 180 to Zams, where you go under the Landeckerer tunnel - at the end of this tunnel turn off towards Fliess.
By train:
* Travel to Landeck station, then catch a bus to Fliess
By train:
* Nearest airports: Munich or Innsbruck (approx. 80 km away)
Summer resort
Fliess has much to offer in summer: an activity pool with slides, waterfall and other facilities for children; 150 km of well-marked footpaths; cabins and alpine pastures; 2 tennis courts; horse riding; angling; mountain biking; shooting range; rafting; archaeology museum; and much more.
Winter resort
The 'Venet' ski area with 3 drag lifts, 3 chair lifts and 1 gondola; magical mountain cabins; snowboarding funpark; cross-country ski runs; tobogganing; free skibus; and many winter walking footpaths.
Fliess Im Oberinntal | General information
Fließ im Oberinntal has 3035 inhabitants and is situated by a lake at an altitude of 1073 m. It lies on a sunny plateau on the Austrian-Swiss-Italian border, in the middle of the alps
Information source 
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