About Eisenstadt - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Eisenstadt recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Eisenstadt, Burgenland
Eisenstadt is the capital of the Burgenland of Austria. The city is located on a falling terrace in the southern parts of Mount Leithage. At the 2002 census it had a population of 13,664 inhabitants.
The city of Eisenstadt is 182 meters above sea level and is surrounded by the ridges of the Leitha mountains. For this reason, the perfect climate lets you discover thick forests, peach orchards, apricots and almonds and, the city's jewelery, a vast grape vine from which you can enjoy the finest wines!
Eisenstadt | Eisenstadt is the capital of the Burgenland of Austria. The city is located on a falling terrace in the southern parts of Mount Leithage. At the 2002 census it had a population of 13,664 inhabitants.
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