About Eisenerz - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Eisenerz recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Eisenerz, Styria
Eisenerz ('' Iron Ore '') is an old mining hour from Styria, Austria at a distance of 109 km from Gas. It is located in the Erzbach Valley, surrounded by mountains and is is the Pfaffenstein Mind (1871m), the Kaiserschild Mountain Vest (2082m) and the southern Erzberg Mountains (1533m). The diverse landscape includes mountains, a mountain lake and hills.
One of the local myths is about Lake Schwarze. The story says that a spirit of water from this lake, known as '' Black Baltic '', which was captured to make the inhabitants of the city or for release offered them 3 options: gold for 10 years, silver for 100 years. years and thrill for eternity. When the inhabitants chose iron for eternity and agreed to release it, the spirit of the water showed them the Erzberg ore mountain, a disappearance and has not been seen since.
The Erzberg mine in Eisenerz is one of Europe's most famous landmarks. Here you will discover the famous largest reserves of ferocity, care are estimated at two hundred and five tens and three million tones, which may represent the main wealth of the city.
Eisenerz | Eisenerz ('' Iron Ore '') is an old mining hour from Styria, Austria at a distance of 109 km from Gas. It is located in the Erzbach Valley, surrounded by mountains and is is the Pfaffenstein Mind (1871m), the Kaiserschild Mountain Vest (2082m) and the
southern Erzberg Mountains (1533m)
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