About Bruck Am Ziller - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
General information
The commune Bruck am Ziller is situated at the sunside of the Zillertal. Bruck is the place where the sun is shining very long. If you see Bruck am Ziller geografically it is ideal to make trips to the Zillertal, to the Achental at the Achensee, to Rattenberg, to Innsbruck or in the intact nature.
How to get there
Bruck am Ziller can be comfortably reached by car and is well connected to public transport.
by Car:
From the direction Kufstein or Innsbruck at the A12 (Inntalautobahn) to the departure Wiesing/Zillertal to direction Strass - to Gasthof 'Landhaus' - from there you will be picked up.
by Train:
From Innsbruck with the bus or train to direction Salzburg - until station Jenbach - from there you will be picked up.
by Aeroplane:
The nearest airport is in Innsbruck.
Innsbruck ca. 44 km.
Summer resort
Enjoy your journey different and make a trip with the 'Nostalgiebahn'. (Attention: open from April until September)
If you like to go hiking you will have ways which are tagged very good and you will have a fantastic view.
The 'Seebad' at Schlitters and the thermea Zillertal are near Bruck am Ziller and guaranteed fun.
Winter resort
The gratis shuttle bus offers you an uncomplicated skirun in Spieljoch or in Hochfügen. We take no responsibility for any errors, misprints or omissions; subject to alterations.
Bruck Am Ziller | General information
The commune Bruck am Ziller is situated at the sunside of the Zillertal. Bruck is the place where the sun is shining very long. If you see Bruck am Ziller geografically it is ideal to make trips to the Zillertal, to the Achental at the Achensee, to Rattenberg,
to Innsbruck or in the intact nature
Information source
Information source
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