About Biberwier Lermoos - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
General information
Biberwier with its 610 inhabitants lies 989 m above sea level. The small valley within the Zugspitzarena has a lot to offer the active visitor, in summer as well as in winter.
How to get there
Biberwier can be comfortably reached by car and is well connected to public transport.
by Car: From Innsbruck: motorway A12 - exit 113 Mötz/Reutte/Fernpass From Munich: pass through Garmisch-Partenkirchen - B187 pass through Ehrwald - Biberwier.
by Train: From Munich take the train direction Garmisch-Partenkirchen, from Stuttgart the train to Reutte. Between Reutte, Ehrwald and Garmisch you can take the 'Ausserfernbahn', the nearest railway station is in Lermoos.
by Aeroplane:
The nearest airports are in Innsbruck and Munich.
Distances: Innsbruck ca. 75 km, Munich ca. 150 km.
Summer resort
Biberwier is departure point of numerous wonderful hiking- and biking-tours. There are easy tracks for the whole family as well as ambitious ones for the seasoned hiker and climber. A ride on Tyrols longest summer toboggan run (1,3 km) is a MUST ! The attractive 9-hole golf cours 'Zugspitze Tirol' awaits the active golfer.
Winter resort
The skiarea in Biberwier with its 6 lifts is perfect for families Some 100 km of cross-country skiing trails in all levels of difficulty, embedded in romantic valleys and surrounded by a charming winter landscape, are there to be discovered. Snowbiking, snowshoe-hiking and horse-sledging are possible alternatives for a diversified winter holiday. We take no responsibility for any errors, misprints or omissions; subject to alterations.
Biberwier Lermoos | General information
Biberwier with its 610 inhabitants lies 989 m above sea level. The small valley within the Zugspitzarena has a lot to offer the active visitor, in summer as well as in winter
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