About Berg Im Drautal - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Berg im Drautal in summer
Berg and its surrounding are a paradise for hikers. The area offers 300 km hiking-routes with different levels. You can go hiking near the river Drau, on alps, through villages or high-alpine tours. Different theme-hiking tours like the 'Hochrindlweg', 'Kulturweg', 'Wachholderweg', 'Hubertusweg',... are offered. Biking along the 'Drautalradweg' will give aou new energy. Along the bike-route there are many sight-seeings, various areas (lakes, lawns, rivers,...) and you can make different excursions. The 'Emberger Alm' is a secret-hint for paraflyers - you will appreciate it. Or what's about golf? Berg im Drautal offers a 9-hole golf-court. And your childeren will surley be inspired by a visit to the adventure-bath, which offers sporting-area, children-area, adventue-area, lawn, beachvolleyball, buffet,.....
Berg im Drautal in winter
The family-skiing area 'Emberger Alm', especially for beginners and families (5 lifts) is suitable for winter-sports as well as for entertainment beside the pists. 2 comfortable restaurants and an alp-pension will inspire you. For children is a beginner-lift in the center of the village available. 130 km cross-country-slopes through the Drautal and the 200 km 4-country slope (Carinthia, East-Tyrol, South-Tyrol and Venetia) offer cross-country entertainment pure. The Emberger Alm offers also a 5 km long slope. Ice-sports and skating is possible in Tratten, a part of Berg. For nature-skating the largest nature-ice area of europoe is available at the Weißensee (15 min. by car away). Luge events are possible at the Emberger Alm or ant the Oberberger Alm. Subject to alterations.
How to get there
By car: coming from Salzburg you take the motorway to exit Spittal and from there the local road to Berg im Drautal. By train: straight to Berg im Drautal. By arplane: the nearest airport is in Klagenfurt.
Berg im Drautal is situated in the 'Oberen Drautal' in Carinthia. The north-border of the Drautal is the 'Kreuzeckgruppe' the south-border are the 'Gailtaler Alpen'. Berg im Drautal has 1851 inhabitants and is situated 692 m above the sea-level.
Berg Im Drautal | Berg im Drautal in summer
Berg and its surrounding are a paradise for hikers. The area offers 300 km hiking-routes with different levels. You can go hiking near the river Drau, on alps, through villages or high-alpine tours
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