About Baden - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
It is located at the mouth of the romantic Helenental on the banks of the Schwechat, and used as the main summer resort for wealthy residents of the capital. Thermal baths, which give the city names are thirteen in number, with temperatures from 22 ° C to 36 ° C, and containing, as the main ingredient, calcium sulphate. Baden is surrounded by approx. 120 vineyards and has about 70 wine taverns.
With its mild climate, Baden near Vienna offers the ideal prerequisites for a relaxing vacation. Water, the Vienna Woods and the nearby capital city Vienna are the highlights of a stay in Baden.
We offer you all year spa and tourism activities. Thermal beach pool, casino, 2 theatres, 4 museums, international horse races, operettafestival in the open-air amphitheatre, exhibitions, year-round spa concerts, rich offer of sports and leisure-time activities.
Baden | Baden near Vienna, spa and health resort, lies some 26 km to the south of Vienna on the entrance of the Helenen-Valley.
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