About Annaberg - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
General Information
Annaberg is located on 777m above sealevel and has 2500 inhabitants. It offers sports and recreation in a beautiful alpine environment. The charming and picturesque village welcomes families. Situated near Salzburg and the Salzkammergut it is an ideal point of departure for various excursions.
How to get there
By car: Tauern motorway (exit Golling or Lammertal/Hüttau) - Lammertal Federal road - Annaberg By train: to Golling or Bischofshofen - to Annaberg by bus or taxi.
Summer resort
Explore the 'Dachstein' and 'Tennengebirgs' region around Annaberg. Hiking, mountainbiking, climbing... but also horse riding, tennis, golf, archery, canyoning, hang-gliding, fishing: Annaberg offers a wide range of options.
Winter resort
Ski the Dachstein-West area with its 65 km of slopes, 33 lifts, powder runs, a fun park and traditional alpine cottages. Enjoy nature while cross country skiing, ice skating, sitting in a horse-drawn sleigh or hiking on snowshoes. Please note: We take no responsibility for any errors or omissions; subject to alterations.
Annaberg | General Information
Annaberg is located on 777m above sealevel and has 2500 inhabitants. It offers sports and recreation in a beautiful alpine environment. The charming and picturesque village welcomes families
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