Despre Jungholz - prezentare, informatii, poze si recomandari
General information
Jungholz, situated in the mountains and close to a skiing area, lies 1058 m above sea level and has 302 inhabitants. There are many out of the ordinary holiday destinations, but only here can you find places so rich in the charm of the Tyrol and Bavaria. The cosy Tyrolean mountain village in Oberallgäu is still a real secret tip for unlimited holiday fun. It is children and family-friendly, sunny, and has no through-traffic.
How to get there
By car:
Motorway Ulm - Kempten - direction Füssen - A7 to the Oberjoch exit - Oy-Wertach - then towards Oberjoch (German Alpine Road), after 4 km turn left at the fork to Jungholz
By train:
Go through Kempten to Oy/Mittelberg Allgäu station, the take a bus to Jungholz
By airplane:
Munich airport (100 km), Innsbruck (120 km), Stuttgart (160 km)
Summer resort
Jungholz is Tyrol's northernmost village, surrounded by the stunning Alpine scenery of the Tyrolean and Bavarian Alps. Well-maintained hiking and cyling trails will lead you to crystal-clear brooks, lush green meadows, and snow-covered mountain peaks. Summer sports facilities include a heated landscaped outdoor swimming pool (26 x 21 m) featuring a splash pool, a waterfall and spacious lawn for sunbathing, and a tennis centre at Wertach with 4 indoor indoor courts. 7 golf courses and a number of sights are within easy reach, e.g. the Bavarian royal castle of Neuschwanstein or the botanic gardens on the island of Mainau in lake Bodensee.
Winter resort
Jungholz is a beautiful winter wonderland due to its location at 1058 m above sea level, with opportunities to enjoy a whole variety of winter activities. It offers 10 km of cross-country tracks and 25 km of winter hiking trails. Skiers can enjoy a total of 10 km of pistes at an easy or intermediate level, accessed by 6 T-bars.
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Berghotel Tirol, BERGQUELL TIROL, Bei Schmids Dahoim sunt cele mai apreciate hoteluri din Jungholz ce au restaurant propriu. Mai multe hoteluri ce au restaurant propriu din Jungholz >
- Care sunt hotelurile ce au parcare proprie gratuita din Jungholz?
Berghotel Tirol, Bed Breakfast Jungholz, AM HOF JUNGHOLZ, BERGQUELL TIROL, Landhaus Müller sunt cele mai apreciate hoteluri din Jungholz ce au parcare proprie gratuita in limita disponibilitatii. Mai multe hoteluri ce au parcare proprie din Jungholz >
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Berghotel Tirol sunt hoteluri din Jungholz ce accepta animale de companie. Mai multe hoteluri ce accepta animale de companie din Jungholz >