Skiing Feldkirch, Vorarlberg Austria winter 2025
Filters: Category: Skiing× (172 offers, 74.2EUR - 1000EUR)

About FeldkirchDetails and images of Feldkirch


Feldkirch is a city in Vorarlberg in Austria. It lies on the border with Switzerland and Liechtenstein. It is a beautiful medieval town with a castle in the twelfth century, called Schattenburg.

Recommendations for travel Feldkirch

Places to visit:
Tourist Office, Palais Liechtenstein (Near Katzenturn). The tourist office has a free sightseeing map of the inner city. This points out the main sites and gives some info about them. These are also available outside the tourist office when it's closed.

Schattenburg Castle. 13th century castle, on a hill to the east of the town is impossible to miss. It was once the seat of the Earls of Montfort. Today there is a local history museum and some restaurants inside.
Marktgasse. This street feels like a proper medieval German street, with its arches and covered walkways. edit
St. Nikolaus Cathedral. Gothic style church built in 1478.
Katzenturm, (Opposite tourist office). This defence tower was once part of the towns fortifications. It is believed to be named after the canons (cats) which were kept in the tower.
Landesmusik-konservatorium. This building is now a music conservatory, but it used to be a Jesuit College. The author of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle once was a boarder here.