About Murau - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
How to get there
By car: from Vienna via the Semmering, the Mürz-valley and then the Murtal-Schnellstraße to Murau. From Germany via Salzburg and the Tauernautobahn til to the exit St. Michael/Lungau and then via Tamsweg to Murau. From Italy via Klagenfurt and St. Veit to Murau. By train: to the railway station Unzmarkt and from there with the 'Steiermärkischen Landesbahnen' to Murau or to Radstadt and from there by bus to Murau. By airplane: the nearest airports are in Klagenfurt, Graz and Salzburg.
Welcome to the holiday-area Murau - the home of the wellknown singing stars Brunner & Brunner. The town Murau is situated 832 m above the sea level and has 2443 inhabitants and invites you to a walk through the historical town. You can also enjoy the castle-concerts as well as a visit of the castle Obermurau, the church St. Matthäus or the beer museum.
Murau in sommer
The holiday-area Murau offers something for everyboddy: hiking throug the green forests, the silent, romantic valleys or throug the alps of the Nockberge and the Tauern, with their different flowers. Hiking-tours from the Preber to the Zirbenkogel, Turracher Höhe and Lachtal are waiting for you. More than 100 km of bike-routes (Murradweg) will be lead through the valley or you make a mountainbike-tour. Very interesting are also the old towns of Murau and Oberwölz, or you can also enjoy Salzburg, Mozarts birth-town. The nature-park of Grebenzen with its famous animal- and flowerworld offers water- and ice-age tours, boattours or you enjoy the 'Benediktinerstift St. Lamprecht'.
Murau in winter
A magic winter is waiting for you! Skiing, carving or bording at the Turracher Höhe, Kreischberg, Lachtal, Grebenzen and Fraunalpe are top-adresses. Cross-country on the high-plateaus, skating in the nature-park, horse-sleigh-tours on the wooden-street, skiing tours and for the children waits a children program with several events. Subject to alterations.
Murau | How to get there
By car: from Vienna via the Semmering, the Mürz-valley and then the Murtal-Schnellstraße to Murau. From Germany via Salzburg and the Tauernautobahn til to the exit St. Michael/Lungau and then via Tamsweg to Murau
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